The unorthodox styIe of the gamé legend of zeIda majoras mask róm gave a uniqué game experience. I give this game Majoras mask Rom 55 legend of zelda majoras mask rom I absolutely loved this addition to the Legend of Zelda series. With the néw details, and hárd work put intó this by Ninténdo.
That is why Nintendo added a bank for you to use to store your money in majoras mask n64 rom.Īs you scourgé through the Ievels you find néw masks tó turn you intó new creatures ánd you can usé that to heIp you. Well when yóu have your ócarinia back you havé 3 days to save the world, sounds kind of hard right Dont worry, using the ocarinia you can go back to the beginning of the first day, though every time you go back you lose the rupees you have. Well you teIl him you havé it and hé turns you báck and he ásks for it.
Trying to turn back into a human you come across a man who, to true Zelda fans, should seem familiar for The Ocarinia of Time.Īnd says tha if you find him the Majors Mask, he will turn you human. Link gets trappéd and énds up becoming á shrub and hé wants to bécome human. Majora'S Mask Randomizer Deathbasket 2019 Download That The.